Page 17 - PC Fall 2023
P. 17
FALL 2023
Marking 168 Years at Brookfield PC, P.E.I.
    Rob Griffiths presented a Lifetime Membership award from the AMS to Gladys MacPhee.
By Joy MacIntyre
On July 16, 2023, an anniversary service was held at Brookfield Presbyterian Church, P.E.I., in cele- bration of the 168th anniversary of the establishment of the congrega- tion and the 128th anniversary of our church building. This celebra- tion was scheduled for 2020, but
Jean MacRae also received an award for Lifetime Membership from the AMS.
had to be postponed due to Covid. A large crowd attended, even though the evening was very warm. The guest speaker was the Rev. Steven Stead, who delivered a wonderful message noting God must be at work in order for a con- gregation to be still in existence after 168 years. The Rev. Brad Blakey, P.E.I. Presbytery mod-
The AMS Lifetime Membership award went to Elizabeth MacLeod posthumously.
erator, brought greetings from the presbytery and noted his grand- father had been a minister in the Brookfield Charge.
Special music selections were performed by the Summerside Presbyterian Church Choir, ac- companied by Dean Perry, who also led the congregational hymns.
Also during the evening, Rob
Brookfield Presbyterian Church in P.E.I.
Griffiths, president of the Atlantic Mission Society (AMS), present- ed Lifetime Memberships to four AMS members. Two of the recipi- ents who were able to be present were Gladys MacPhee and Jean MacRae. Absent was Dulcinea Andrews. Members of the fam- ily of Elizabeth MacLeod accepted her award posthumously. A short
history of the Brookfield AMS was presented, noting the group had begun 113 years ago with four members and would close this fall with four members. Over the years, there have been as many as 29 members.
After the service, a time of fel- lowship and refreshments was enjoyed.
  Lucknow PC Celebrates 150 Years of Worship
 commemoration was kicked off with Dianne Hawthorne and Nor- ma Raynard leading a hymn sing.
About 90 people shared in the celebration led by the Rev. The- resa McDonald-Lee, executive director at Camp Kintail, as she delivered an interactive congrega- tional message: Story of the First Church. The Kingsbridge Quartet, consisting of Marianne Hogan, Diane Lalonde, Terrie VanOsch and Laurie Dalton, shared their musical gifts with four hymns that suitably reflected the occa- sion. Choir director Norma Ray- nard played the organ with pianist Laurie Dalton accompanying her, as the congregation raised their voices to sing Great is thy faith- fulness, I am the church! You are the church!, and O God, our help in ages past.
Former ministers, the Rev. Paul Sakasov, now living in Barrie, and the Rev. Peggy Kinsman of Wing- ham, brought greetings in person. Former minister the Rev. David
Former ministers the Rev. Paul Sakasov and the Rev. Peggy Kinsman are shown with the Rev. Theresa McDonald-Lee who led an interactive congre- gational message.
   Lucknow Presbyterian Church choir director, Norma Raynard, played the organ for the 150th celebrations. PHOTO CREDITS: PAT LIVINGSTON
By Pat Livingston, Lucknow Presbyterian Church in Lucknow, Ont.
It was a great day for being alive on May 28, 2023, when former and current members of Lucknow Presbyterian Church in Lucknow, Ont., were joined by former minis- ters and guests from area church- es to mark the occasion of 150 years of worship. The morning
Chung and student minister Nick Metivier offered their blessings and congratulations via email. The Rev. Chung and his wife, Vonnie, now live in New Brunswick and Nick is living in Quebec with his wife, the Rev. Charmila Ireland, and baby son, Nathaniel. The Rev. Ed Hoekstra, interim moderator for Lucknow and South Kinloss Presbyterian Churches, also sent greetings from Owen Sound, where he is the minister at St. An- drew’s Presbyterian Church.
Many displays of present and past church activities could be
A sumptuous buffet was shared by those attending the 150th anniversary.
viewed in the Gathering Hall. Fol- lowing the service, a buffet feast was enjoyed, along with a time of renewing acquaintances.

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