Page 30 - Presbyterian Connection
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      On April 26, the Presbytery of New Brunswick was pleased to celebrate the appointment of the Rev. Darryl Levy (centre, with keys around his neck) as transitional minister for a two-year term with the congrega- tion of Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Fredericton, N.B. Mod- erator of Presbytery, Marlene Phil- lips (second from right) presided; the Rev. Dr. Philip Lee (far right) preached the sermon, entitled “We Have a Great High Priest,” and the Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery (third from right) provided the Charge to the Minister and the congregation. The Clerk of Presbytery and Interim Moderator of Saint Andrew’s, the Rev. Kent Burdett, (far left, back row), played a key role in organiz- ing this service. All enjoyed a time of fellowship in the church hall imme- diately following this well-attended service.
 The congregation of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church in Richmond Hill, Ont., was pleased to welcome the 147th Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rev. Dr. Robert (Bob) Faris, who led worship on Sunday, March 12. There was an opportunity to spend time with him during fellowship after the morning’s service. The congregation as appreciative that he, along with Sue Senior, Elder from Knox Presbyterian Church in Waterloo, led an inter- active workshop entitled “Who is Welcome?” on Saturday, March 11. It was a very educational afternoon, and the participants were grateful for Bob and Sue sharing their journey with us.
During the month of February, a special memorial Food Drive was organ- ized in memory of the late Rev. Samuel Priestley, a minister at St. An- drew’s for many years. The picture at left shows his widow, Carol Priest- ley, presenting a cheque and non-perishable goods to the local director of the Markham Food Bank. The initiative was a joint venture between the St. Andrew’s congregation and the 2nd Markham Scouts. Sam was an avid scouter for many years. Also pictured (at right) is Rob Lewis, one of our elders and scout leader.
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