Page 21 - Presbyterian Connection
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Accompanying global partners
The PCC supports 23 mission partners working in
13 countries: Malawi, Ghana, Nigeria, Mauritius, India, Taiwan, Nepal, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, Ukraine, Romania, Cuba and Guatemala. Mission staff and grants equip partners in leadership development, Bible translation, Christian education, theological education and evangelism. Together, we collaborate with ecumenical and interfaith partners to speak out against injustice, advocate for human rights and care for creation around the world.
Walking with Indigenous people
l Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff and volunteers work together to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people harmed by racism, discrimination, the loss of culture and language and other consequences of the Residential Schools, including those run by the PCC.
l Ministers, leaders and representatives from ministries for Indigenous people form the National Indigenous Ministries Council to provide mutual support, education and renewal and oversee the disbursement of the Council’s funds. Each year $200,000 is given
to support the ministries over and above regular grants and 10% of closed congregations is added to the funds.
l Together we respond to the calls to action in the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and help congregations and individuals across Canada work towards healing and reconciliation.
Stewarding gifts
In addition to managing and administering The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s operating budget and legacy funds, PCC staff facilitate the investment of millions of dollars belonging to congregations, presbyteries, camps and other ministries, helping support ministry now and into the future.
Our open doors are a reection of God’s love, believing in the good, hoping for change, peace, and security, as our beloved patrons have endured enough. We hold strong to hope: hope for the people to have safety, wellness, purpose, and a place with much opportunity.
— Kenora Fellowship Centre, Kenora, Ont.
I am thankful for God’s daily grace and mercy, along with prayers and support from the PCC. May our good and faithful Lord continue to lead each Bible translation team forward and bless everyone who works with us in this life-giving mission work.
— The Rev. Dr. Paul McLean, Bible Translation, Taiwan

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