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Cutting Edge of Mission Award 2023
  By the Rev. Gordon Timbers,
a member of the Cutting Edge of Mission committee and a participant in the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel
Being on the cutting edge of any- thing is to be in a place of risk. It is also generally a place of great need. Taking those risks and meeting those needs requires creativity, courage and determi- nation. This has been true for the individuals and organizations that have been recipients over the years of what was the Dr. E.H. Johnson Award and of what is now known as the Cutting Edge of Mission Award.
Since 1982, this award has been presented to highlight the work of people and organiza- tions that think outside the box through prophetic voices that call for justice and corrective ac- tion. In some cases, they are lone voices, speaking at great person- al risk and sacrifice. The award presentation each year at Gen- eral Assembly gives a view into some of the challenges faced by people around the world. This is also an opportunity to learn about and support those who respond in those difficult situations with courage and creativity. The award includes a $10,000 monetary gift
A section of the separation wall between Israel and Palestine. PHOTO CREDIT: AMY ZAVITZ, INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES
to access information about the PCFF’s activities, references and its responses to relevant current events. As well, followers can learn about PCFF members’ me- dia appearances and any other activity related to the message, core beliefs and ongoing work of PCFF.
Every Palestinian and Israeli member of the Parents Circle– Families Forum has lost someone to the conflict who was loved and whose loss continues to bring sorrow and anguish. The website of the PCFF ( provides personal stories of Fo- rum members, about their loved ones who are no longer present, about the journey from pain to hope, and about choosing rec- onciliation and partnership. PCFF invites anyone who has lost a family member due to the con- flict to join them, so that together, Palestinian and Israeli grieving families can continue to work to prevent further bereavement, and to create dialogue, reconciliation and peace.
Those attending the 2023 General Assembly, in person or online, will have the deeply meaningful experience of hear- ing two members of the Parents Circle–Families Forum give their powerful personal stories of hope in action.
The Rev. Dr. Billy Gama and the moderator of the PCC, the Rev. Dr. Bob Faris.
of special interest to the Presby- terian Church in Malawi: climate change, theological education, youth, pastors’ salaries and the church’s response to Covid in Malawi. General Secretary Gama and the Rev. Dr. Bob Faris, current moderator of the General Assem- bly, met to talk about the context of their ministries and overlapping interests.
Happily, Mr. Gama’s visit co- incided with the party at national office to celebrate the ministry of Stephen Kendall as he retired as the Principal Clerk of Assembly.
as a tangible encouragement.
Par ticipants in recent PCC study tours to Palestine-Israel have learned that the trauma caused by the ongoing Israeli military occupation of Palestin- ian territory has had an enormous cost, both to those imposing and maintaining the occupation and to those experiencing the restric- tions and humiliations of the oc- cupation every day. It was a great encouragement to also learn of an organization whose members come from both Israeli and Pal- estinian societies and who are committed to working together for forgiveness, peace and recon-
At the 2023 General Assem-
bly, the Cutting Edge of Mission Award will be made to the Parents Circle–Families Forum, a joint
Israeli-Palestinian organization of over 600 families, all of whom have lost an immediate family member due to the ongoing con- flict arising from the occupation. The organization seeks to utilize all resources available in education, public meetings and the media to spread their message. Their work is grounded in the conviction that getting to know the personal and national narrative of the “other” is an impor tant step toward reconcil- iation. Teams of Palestinian/Israeli parents together go to schools and other venues to tell their stories and share their hopes for a future of peaceful coexistence.
They seek to influence the general public and the political decision makers in both national communities to choose reconcili- ation and the path of peace over
violence and war. This is not easy because the seven-decades long conflict has created a legacy of fear and animosity that is often di- rected at those who seek dialogue with “the other.” Believing that the physical and emotional distances between the two conflicted com- munities prevent both sides from hearing and understanding its counterpart, the PCFF initiated the Parallel Narrative Experience, which brings together groups of Israelis and Palestinians to learn about each other’s personal and national stories through work- shops and dialogue activities.
One effective means of com- munication is the Facebook page for PCFF, which is bilingual in Arabic and Hebrew. It is the PCFF’s main digital asset, with more than 40,000 followers able
Billy and the Rev. Glynis Williams, Associate Secretary of International Ministries.
President of Malawi. He also hap- pens to be the author of a book entitled The Role of the Church in Politics in Malawi. This year, the Rev. Dr. Billy Gama was elected and confirmed as a member of the Central Committee for the World Council of Churches.
Billy began his visit to Canada in Ottawa and worshipped at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kars, Ont. He travelled to Toronto with the Rev. Dr. Blair Bertrand, who was on the way to teach at Zomba Theological Univer- sity in Malawi. Billy spoke with staff about projects and issues
  A Visit to Canada from the Rev. Dr. Billy Gama
   Preaching at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kars, Ont.
The Rev. Dr. Billy Gama, General Secretary in the Blantyre Synod of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian in Malawi, with the Rev. Liz Chan.
By the Rev. Ian Ross-McDonald, General Secretary, Life and Mission Agency
Jesus Christ calls us to faithful engagement in God’s mission in the whole world—from our back- yard to halfway around the world. Joining together with church part- ners and Christian agencies out- side Canada, the PCC walks with them, learning from their experi- ences and praying for each other.
Now that the worst of Covid appears to be (mostly?) past, we can visit, pray and learn together with international partners in per- son again. Earlier this year, we had the great pleasure of welcom- ing a delegation from the Presby- terian Church in Ghana to the PCC national office for meetings and
fellowship, along with the Ses- sion of the Ghanian Presbyterian Church in Toronto.
From Sept. 9 to 17, 2022, we were very honoured to receive the Rev. Dr. Billy Gama, who is the General Secretary in the Blantyre Synod of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian in Malawi. Blantyre Synod was established in the 19th century by Scottish missionaries and now includes 1.8 million members in 800 local congregations.
Dr. Gama received degrees in French and theology before ob- taining a Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology at the Univer- sity of Fort Hare in South Africa. In addition to serving in rural and urban congregations, Billy Gama has been a special advisor to the

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