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FALL 2022
Grants: A Tool for Ministry
The Raw Carrot soup kitchen, a ministry that provides meaningful employment opportunities for individuals living with disAbilities and mental illness, receives funding from Presbyterians Sharing.
     New Life Centre, Nepal
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       By Karen Plater,
Stewardship & Planned Giving
Providing grants to support min- istry and mission is a significant part of the Presbyterians Sharing budget.
Grants from Presbyterians Sharinghelplaunchnewcongre- gations and faith communities, suppor t congregations engag- ing in renewal and fund strate- gic Presbyterian ministries that serve refugees, newcomers to Canada, sex workers and people with addictions, mental health is- sues, disabilities or other barriers to social engagement. A small percentage of grants suppor ts small and remote congregations/ pastoral charges with strategic reasons for helping sustain their ministries. In November, a grants committee meets to pray and reflect on what ministries might receive grants for core suppor t from Presbyterians Sharing for the following year. (All these ap- plications are approved by the presbytery before they are sub- mitted.)
Presbyterians Sharing also provides grants to the three Pres-
byterian theological colleges and helps ministers and lay leaders sharpen their skills by facilitating their participation in conferences and gatherings—both virtual and online.
Regional Resourcing grants support regional staff and/or run educational programs by presbyteries and synods. This fall, the Synod of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario is plan- ning a retreat to help members explore post-pandemic ministry. Western Han-Ca Presbytery is holding a seminar to equip elders with tools and ideas in conflict management. The Presbytery of Pictou is planning a workshop on trauma, grief and loss con- ducted by a social worker who worked with families affected by the Por tapique mass shooting. In Westminster Presbytery, a sum- mer urban camp will use original songs to engage children in faith formation.
In addition to grants provided from Presbyterians Sharing, national office staff administer grants from legacy and designat- ed funds. In the recent past, con- gregations have received support
to help run innovative discipleship and public witness programs and to purchase or upgrade technol- ogy. Presbyterian camps received special grants for training in anti- racism and to create an LGBTQI inclusive environment. Congre- gations have received grants for experimental projects, creative ministry with children and youth, and leadership skills for rural and remote ministries.
While Presbyterians Sharing has the funds to suppor t congre- gational and regional ministry in many different ways, congrega- tions, presbyteries and synods have also been successful in obtaining grants from local, re- gional and federal governments and foundations. Read about the success of one congregation on page 5. The Stewardship depar t- ment, with funds from Presbyte- rians Sharing, is happy to help congregation work on grant ap- plications.
Grants are one tool that allows us to engage in mission and min- istry across Canada and around the world. When we give our gifts to God, God accomplishes amaz- ing things.

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