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PRESBYTERIAN Connection The Presbyterian Church in Canada • ISSUE 23, FALL 2022 Messy Church Camp Day at Kintail
    Submitted by the Messy Church Camp Day Team
The Messy Church Camp Day took place at Camp Kintail, in Go- derich, Ont., on May 21, 2022. This Messy Church event, which was a collaboration between Camp Kintail and four Presbyte- rian congregations (St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Stratford; Avonton Presbyterian Church; Knox Presbyterian Church, Hol- stein, which is a three-point charge with Knox, Normanby and Amos Dromore; and Lucknow Presbyterian Church) had been a
long time in the making, originally
labyrinth, six different craft op- tions, Gaga ball, beach activities, having been scheduled for May
marshmallow toasting, archery, of 2020 and rescheduled three
times because of the pandemic.
slingshot practice, playing on the slide, learning steps to the “Jonah The 90+ registrants ranged in
Rap,” and attending an ecological age from three to over 85. “The
Great Adventure—The Story of
justice centre that focused on wa- ter pollution. Enthusiastic camp Jonah” was the theme for the
staff led the activities that required day, and the variety of activities
that were offered centred around
their expertise. Messy Church leaders provided the crafts and it. This collaborative, creative,
the ecological justice centre. fun-filled, intergenerational event
nurtured faith development. Par-
Mary Duffin from St. Andrew’s, Stratford, led a session for Messy ticipants could take part in as
Church leaders in the afternoon. many of the following activities
as they wished: high ropes, rock-
Ed McGugan from Lucknow PC
wall climbing, nature hikes, the
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Applying for Grants to Fund Ministry
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The PCC and the Doctrine of Discovery
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Congregational Gatherings

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