Page 26 - Presbyterian Connection
P. 26

      Recognizing that COVID-19 has been a major stressor, the ministry committee of the Presbytery of Waterloo-Wellington made a decision to enable every minister on the roll, as well as their spouse and young children, to have a private three-day (meals included) time away at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre, all costs covered. The motion was approved in July 2021, noting that the presbytery has a responsibility for the psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being of the ministers within its bounds.
On Aug. 29, an anniversary and communion service was held at Little Narrows Presbyterian Church in Little Narrows on Cape Breton Island, N.S. The Rev. Mary Anne Grant was the guest speaker at this special service. A new organ was also dedicated in honour of member Stanley H. MacDonald and his lifelong loyalty and support of Little Narrows Presbyterian. Pictured with the new organ (left to right): Ann Hayes, Clerk of Session; Lois MacDonald, organist; Margaret MacIntyre, lay minister.
This past summer, the congregation of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Winchester, Ont., created a memorial garden to honour Indigenous children who died in Residential Schools. In addition to planting grasses, orange lilies, cedar and orange annuals, a painted wooden heart that reads “Every Child Matters” was put together by congregation members and installed in the centre of the flower bed. On Sunday, Sept. 26, Donna McIlveen conducted a moving memorial garden dedication service, for which the congregation was encouraged to attend wearing orange. After the dedication service, children in the congregation placed stones they had painted in the flower bed.

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