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New Resources from the PCC
Your Way into
Missional Ministry
A “Design Thinking” Guide for Congregations Seeking a New Way Forward
Many congregations have a sense that God is calling them to connect with their neighbours and community in new ways but are unsure how to do it. Often, we want to demonstrate love for neighbours in a tangible way, or think outside the box, or follow God’s will for our church, but indecision is a quandary that impedes movement. Simply ratcheting up the sense of urgency to change is not enough to move through the impasse.
If this is what your congregation is experiencing, consider switch- ing your approach from seeking to learning. What would happen if you replaced the question of “What do we need to do?” with “What do we need to learn?”
A new resource written by the Rev. Peter Coutts, and produced by The Presbyterian Church in Canada, explores “Design Thinking.” This is a process that helps learners think outside of the box with the help of others. It is created to help you gain a greater understanding of a need and how to address that need effectively. A key part of Design Thinking is “pro-
totyping”—the practice of putting a new idea into action on a small scale over a short period of time.
In this resource, you will explore the steps of Design Thinking through a story of a fictitious congregation that wants to be more missional and make a difference in their neighbour- hood, but they are not sure how to go about it. The resource provides a se- ries of useful steps that you can use to guide your congregation through the process of determining how to live out your missional calling.
The Spirit Prays Within Us
Prayer Workbook for Elders
Prayer is a multi-layered practice in Christian life, a powerful dynamic in Christian worship and, for many, the heartbeat of our personal relationship with God.
The Spirit Prays Within Us is a prayer workbook written by the Rev. Dr. Nancy Cocks for the PCC that is designed to help ruling elders explore
the practice of prayer in their pastoral role. Knowing that our experiences and expectations of prayer are many and varied, this workbook offers sug- gestions and exercises to help elders expand ways to lead prayer in pasto- ral encounters.
This workbook invites elders to explore their own practices of prayer and the opportunities to pray with others that present themselves as they under take pastoral responsibili- ties. The booklet does not propose a single model of prayer. Instead, there are sections that invite reflec- tion on questions, either separately, or perhaps, with other members of Session.
This resource could be used for personal study, group study, Session starters and elder training or mentor- ship. It is broken into sections that
  focus on the reader’s current views on prayer, taking into considera- tion those who are within your care, the ways you currently pray, public prayer and preparation before prayer.
 To order these resources online through the Resource Ordering Portal, visit (and have your username and password ready). You can also place an order through the online order form at or call 1-800-619-7301.
  2022 Wall Calendar
Art, in all its forms, can nourish our souls and bring us closer to God. The PCC’s 2022 wall calendar features the incredible artwork of Presbyterians from across
the country, including paintings, quilts, photography, pulpit falls, and more.
 Cost: $4.00 each
Order today through the PCC Resource Ordering Portal at (have your congregation’s username and password ready)
or use the online order form at You can also call 1-800-619-7301.

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