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Presbyterians Sharing and Funds of the Church
Using funds from a PCC Innovation Grant administered by Canadian Ministries, staff at Camp Douglas in Roberts Creek, B.C., adapted their summer 2020 programming using an online platform to run camp activities that could be done from home, including Bible stud- ies, campfires, arts and crafts, science experiments and cooking classes.
FALL 2021
      Samuel House, Romania
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      By Karen Plater, Associate Secretary, Planned Giving & Stewardship
In response to the devastating dis- covery of unmarked graves at former Residential Schools, The Presbyterian Church in Canada launched the Hon- ouring the Children: Reconciliation and Residential Schools Fund. The fund will provide resources to help search for graves, respond to trauma and suppor t healing initiatives—all with the guidance of Indigenous peo- ple and affected communities.
The PCC manages many funds that support specific areas of ministry and mission, over and above the annual operating budget of the church, which is funded by gifts to Presbyterians Sharing. Many of these funds began as bequests, special gifts or cam- paigns to suppor t things like capital projects, congregational development, experimental ministry and leadership oppor tunities, both in Canada and around the world. The Creative Minis- try with Children and Youth Fund helps congregations expand their ministry with young people. The International Ministries Legacy Fund suppor ts emergent projects of international partners. The Growing Churches Fund helps presbyteries start new congre- gations and offer strategic suppor t for church growth. This past year, Innova- tion Grants helped congregations and ministries acquire new technology as they moved worship services and fel- lowship activities online in response to COVID-19.
Presbyterian World Service & De- velopment—the PCC’s agency for relief and development—began in 1947 as a special fund to support rebuilding in the wake of World War II. Now it functions as an agency with dozens of sub-funds that help communities around the world fight chronic poverty and respond to emergencies.
Presbyterians Sharing and special funds both contribute to the ongo- ing work of the PCC, complementing and building upon one another. While the Honouring the Children fund will support initiatives related to the dis- covery of unmarked graves, Pres- byterians Sharing supports ongoing programs that address systemic rac- ism against Indigenous people and provides core funding for ministries with Indigenous people. Included in this issue of the Presbyterian Con- nection is the Gifts of Change cata- logue, which contains ideas for gifts that will transform people’s lives. All of these gifts will build on and en- hance ongoing mission and ministry supported by undesignated gifts to Presbyterians Sharing and PWS&D.
All funds need to be adminis- tered—investments overseen, pro- posals received, funds disbursed and reports written. Most of this work is done by financial and program staff whose salaries are paid by Presbyte- rians Sharing. While PWS&D funding supports staff dedicated to relief and development work, gifts to Presby- terians Sharing help keep PWS&D’s
costs low by providing some finan- cial administration, logistical support and rent-free space. Presbyterians Sharing provides a strong foundation supporting a broad range of minis- tries of our church.
Sometimes people are afraid spe- cial funds will take away from undes- ignated gifts, however research has shown, when properly balanced, that they provide more opportunities for people to give to mission and min- istry. The Rev. Dr. Kennon Callahan called this “opening giving doors.” People who might not give to undes- ignated funds may give to something specific that has touched their lives or hearts, and people who do give generously to undesignated funds may also want to give a bit more to support something that has particu- larly touched their lives. The result is more opportunities to fulfill God’s mission.
This same principle applies in con- gregational ministry. Congregations with special funds for ministry— sending children and youth to camp, supporting benevolence opportuni- ties, running a food bank—that build on and complement the ministry sup- ported by the congregation’s weekly tithes and offerings, are generally doing more ministry overall. And, of course, the impact of financial gifts is multiplied by the time and skills given by committee members and volun- teers at both local and national levels.
When our gifts are joined together, God’s mission comes alive.

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