Page 23 - PC_Fall2020
P. 23
FALL 2020
         As Knox Presbyterian Church in Vernon, B.C., approached Pentecost Sunday in the midst of COVID-19 restrictions, the congregation invited the church family to prepare communion at home. Knowing that many members were living in isolated conditions in retirement residences, assisted living homes and long-term care centres, the congregation prepared and delivered Communion Kits to the front doors of the respective facilities. Each kit included pre-wrapped crackers, a box of grape juice, disposable communion cups, paper doily and a printed liturgy. After the appropriate sanitizing, the kits were delivered by staff to church members so that together, but apart, the circle around the communion table on Pentecost grew wider.
The Serenity Garden at Wasaga Beach Community Presbyterian Church in Wasaga Beach, Ont., has been flourishing. The congregation has a number of faithful volun- teers who have been hard at work to keep the garden looking beautiful, even during these trying times. It is one way of keeping that sense of community alive and well.
Pictured above are two children from Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church in Scarbor- ough, Ont., standing by the church-sponsored flower display for the local community. The congregation wanted to help brighten up the community for residents in this time of social distancing. They joined with local businesses to bring a smile to the neigh- bourhood with their beautiful displays.
St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church in Orillia, Ont., created “Trees of Hope”; one at the church and the others at family homes. They are a sign of hope in pandemic times.
   “Church cancelled: God at work.” While Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church in Richmond Hill, Ont., has been closed, the con- gregation was pleased to support the mission of the Krasman Centre in helping the vulnerable in the community this summer. Rooms in the church were made available to the Centre for seven days a week during the months of July and August. PHOTO CREDIT: ROGER POTTS.

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