Page 5 - Gifts of Change 2024-2025
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Sowing the Seeds of Food Security | PWAGR01
Subsistence farmers in developing countries work hard on small plots of land
to provide food for their families. You can help farmers learn to improve and
multiply crops, protect their land and sell their goods—providing food for
today and an income for the future.
$20 supplies
seeds for household
$60 trains a
farmer in sustainable
farming practices
$100 provides
one goat for income
and nutrition
From Sickness to Strength | PWHEA01
Preventable illnesses and inadequate access to primary health care impact many
in the Global South. Your gifts will bring medical care and supplies to remote
villages and tackle disease and malnourishment for those most affected.
$30 provides
therapeutic food to
save a malnourished
child in Haiti
$55 trains
a health-care worker
in maternal and
child health
$100 supplies
leprosy awareness
training to a
Empowered to Prosper | PWHR01
PWS&D works to build sustainable livelihoods by ensuring families can
meet their basic needs and advocate for their rights. Your gifts will help
address injustice, build self-reliance through skills training, and promote
equal opportunity for all.
$65 provides
community training
to prevent
$85 helps a
woman establish
a poultry business
$100 buys
a sewing machine
for a marginalized
young person

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